Cultures of the Andes

There are very many tribes in the Andes, which are very diverse. They have a strong sense of belonging and community, which is reflected in their Whipala flag.


Whipala the flag of the AndesThe Whiplaa is a flag made out of seven different colours that the tribes of the Andes historically uses. It represents all the different tribes in South America from Venezuela to the south of Chile.

You can find it in most of the events of these communities; Such as weddings, baptisms or meetings, among others.

This flag is so respected that the government of Bolivia recognize it as a national symbol. In Chile is appreciated as a representation for the municipality of “Alto Hospicio”. And Argentina also recognizes it as an emblem in some regions.

Die Idee dieses Projekts besteht auch darin, die Kulturen, die auf diesem wunderschönen Kontinent in Südamerika existieren und diese einzigarteigen Produkte herstellen, zu präsentieren. Der erste Stamm, den wir euch zeigen, sind die Aymaras.